Monday, November 22, 2010

Has anyone else felt this way about their future- college major and beyond?

I am 16 and will only be a junior next year but am really worried. Many people looking back will say they knew since they were young what they wanted to be. A doctor, a lawyer, a writer, it seems they all knew. I honestly DON'T know. I wanted to be a History major, then I became obsessed with Primordial Dwarfism and wanted to be a Geneticist but they work too many hours and college would be too long, so I went back to my History major idea and decided to major in English as well so I could be a historical writer. Yesterday, I thought it might be cool to be a Marine Biologist.

I don't have a passion; except for reading I suppose, but I don't really think I want to be an author or a journalist.

I want to be a Historian because I feel so happy and safe at Museums, as weird as that sounds.

I want to be an Astronomer because the Planatarium and the stars and the moon make me feel calm.

I fear that if I make a last minute decision before college and then decide I don't want to do it, I ruined my life. I know people change majors all the time but I won't be able to afford that.

How did you know your major choice was right? Did you feel your whole future was on the line? If you never had a passion for anything, how did you choose a major?Has anyone else felt this way about their future- college major and beyond?
A lot of people feel that way. I'd recommend going to a community college for your first two years. That way you'll get your gen eds out of the way without paying thousands more than you have to, and you can figure out then which classes you like enough to keep taking. Or talk to your counselor; that's what they're there for.Has anyone else felt this way about their future- college major and beyond?
There would be ways to afford it if you changed majors. Some courses you took could be applied to your new choice of degree. I love your interest in EVERYTHING! You may find that your education isn't a real passion but pays the bills and you have hobbies that are your real passion. Many roads lead to Rome.
I dont know what I want to do still. When I applied to college I applied undeclared to most and chose something that sounded interesting for the others. Now I am going to community college in the mean time to figure it out. Its normal. Its not like 18 is the natural age that people find their passions. Its just kinda forced upon us. Some people dont find their niche until theyre much older while some are lucky enough to find it young.

Btw Im a history buff too woohoo!
Seems like you're not too sure about what you wanna do.. Historian.. Geneticist.. English major.. Astronomer..

First girl, don't worry too too much about money. Money is a big part of college but college is an investment. So money aside, college is about finding out what you want to do in life and finding what you're really good at.

There are two types of college students. Those who know exactly what they are going to do in life, who have it all planned out and those who are figuring out what to do. Which remember that's part of what college is. People who change their major are the people who don't know for sure what they are doing.

I'm transferring to A %26amp; M in the fall and have everything planned out. I am going to go to med school after graduating. I have taken anatomy and am totally in love with it. I love learning about the human body and always share what I learn with my parents and boyfriend and friends but I am totally open to the possibility that along the way something might not go right and I may become a teacher or somthing.

When you get to college your first year you should take different classes you think are interesting. For example, I took a psychology class because I thought I wanted to minor in it but it was so incredibly boring, I still got an A so it wouldn't hurt my GPA but I figured it wasn't for me. So take english, history, maybe astronomy if your school has that and genetics or biology and see what you like.

Hope I helped. And don't think that if you don't have every single second after high school planned you're going to fail in life because you're going to do great.
Make sure you major in something that will actually help you get a job, because unless you are trust fund baby you will need to support yourself.
The university I'm at currently has a major choice as ';Discovery Major'; where you can take survey classes to figure out what you want to do. Find something you like doing, not necessarily a passion, but just something you find interesting and intriguing. You aren't screwing yourself over by not having a major as a junior in high school. I know a bunch of people who don't know what their major is and they are seniors in college!

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