Saturday, November 20, 2010

What major change did Helen Keller make?

What was the problem that she wanted to fix?

What charachteristics made it possible for them to create that change?

How did they do it?

please help me answer these questions, i would appreciate any links and answers that u guys have for me!

thank you!

:PWhat major change did Helen Keller make?
She was a noted socialist. She adopted this political view because the abuses she became aware to disabled workers in factory jobs .

She was very aware of the benefits she received because of her family position. Because of this awareness, she worked diligently toward helping those with disabilities.

She was a founding member of the ACLU.

She was good friends with Alexander Graham Bell. Her autobiography is dedicated to him. Mr Bell was instrumental in getting her a teacher for her. She was distantly related Robert E. Lee.

If you have time and are inclined to learn more about Helen Keller, try to locate a book titiled ';Lies My Teacher Told Me';

by James Loewen.

hope this points you in the right directionWhat major change did Helen Keller make?
Are you talking about the changes she made in the way the blind and deaf communicate? With the help of her teacher and mentor, Anne Sullivan, she fine tuned the braille system and braille-writer, which is a typewriter that types braille and also the Amercan Sign language system. If I were you, I would go to your search engine and type in Hellen Keller; it should link you up!
Helen Keller, who became deaf and blind when she was only 19 months old, probable did more to help others like herself than anyone else who ever lived. She was born in 1880 in Alabama. When she was 7 yrs, she was put in the care of ta great teacher named Anne Sullivan Macy. Mrs. Macy taught Helen to read with her fingers, using the Braille system of little raised dots to represent letter. She taught her to hear by felling eh vibrations of sound in the throat. She taught her to control the sounds of her voice in speech even though she could not hear. After graduating from Radcliffe College at the age of 24 yrs, Miss Keller became a lecturer and a writer, and raise money for the blind and deaf. She died in 1968, about a month before reaching the age of 88 yrs. Bobley Publishing Corp. (1954-1966), Illustrated World Encyclopedia, One volume edition

Before Hellen Keller, people thought anyone with conditions like her's were completely helpless and lost forever. People now know that these kind of people now can be productive and happy. Thank God for Hellen Keller.

look up this's very informative....don't go just by other people's the research yourself....hope it helps

lotsa luck....

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