Monday, November 22, 2010

How do you deal with major changes in your life, career or family?

I write articles on change management and I am doing research for a possible book. Does anyone have a story or stories on how they dealt with a major change? Did you handle it well or not? Was the eventual outcome a positive experience even if it didnt feel that way at the time. If you wish to answer me in private or be quoted in my stories, contact me directly at scott@scottmilhous.comHow do you deal with major changes in your life, career or family?
I usually get plastered. Sometimes I'll do that even when nothing has happened.How do you deal with major changes in your life, career or family?
you wont like how my family does it were very dysfunctional .and we dont do any thing right to deal the right way. we get up and leave or break stuff . get drunk .fight.but we have been that way so long.every one for them selfs any more.

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