You will not be able to transfer right away. You'll need to wait one quarter after transfer.
From communication to sociology should be no problem because it is under the same college. Given that sociology is not impacted, you'll probably just have to have counselors sign you off. The worse that'll happen is that they'll require you to take lower division with a certain GPA.
Going to the Design Media/Arts might be harder IF (that's a big if) the major is outside your college because you'll have to secure signature from deans of both colleges and will be required to take other classes before doing so.
On the personal note, I graduated with a degree in sociology from one of the University of California schools. I can tell you that if you have the opportunity to re-evaluate this, please do so. The major is horrible (and I took classes in 2 UC campuses). They focus all classes on what Marx, Weber and Durkheim would say about a given topic. You'll take for example sociology of gender. They'll make you write a paper about what marx thought about. In the Criminal Justice class it'll be a Durkheim approach to Criminal Justice contrasted to Marx. It really becomes an annoying major. I highly suggest it as a minor at the most. I was lucky that 1/4 of my classes were taken from psychology (since I double majored), 1/4 I did with internship and the remaining 1/2 (which is the equivalent to a minor), I simply did as normal classes.How hard is it to change majors once I transfer to UCLA?
Maybe you should take an introductory design class, just to see if it is your thing.
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Design Media/Arts may require a portfolio before you switch to the major. Sociology should be easier to switch to if it is not an impacted major.
People change majors all of the time. It will be fine.
Some of the courses you took previously may not apply to your new major though.
Just be sure to speak with an advisor at UCLA.
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