Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Should I change my major?


I have a job that I don't really like, but is good paid, plus i have a scholarship to pursue my education abroad in a field that my organism wants me to earn my master's degree in.

after taking classes, passing exams, i couldn't make it, it's so difficult, and many times i find myself demotivated to that job or the major i'm in.

I want another major that i'm so passionate about but i have never taken any course in it, but i see myself with a job in this major and not the one i'm doing right now. if i get a master's degree in this major, i will have chances to find a prestigious job as well and maybe much more paid. ( i care about the money now! which was not the case 3 years ago! i) im the current job i am paid good enoguh but the one i'm looking for maybe the same level of payment or higher, but never less!

not for the degree but the major itself...

I have this idea of changing my major long time ago, i m abraod for like two years but no progress so far.

is it because i am lazy or failure? or is it because i am in the wrong path?

how can tell? the change needs courage but i don't know if i will be courageous enough to let go of that prestigious job though i don't really love and the working environment is not healthy enough!

thank youShould I change my major?
If you're unhappy doing what you're doing- change.

Don't change because you think this program will be easier though. You can get through any program if you want to.

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